resources to help with IELTS test preparation at home

Resources to Help With IELTS Test Preparation at Home

In this article, we’ll explore a variety of resources to help with IELTS test preparation at home, ensuring you’re ready to approach test day with confidence.

resources to help with IELTS test preparation at home

Preparing for the IELTS test can be a challenging yet rewarding journey, especially when studying at home. Whether you’re aiming to achieve a high score for academic, professional, or immigration purposes, having access to the right resources can make all the difference.

The key to successful preparation lies in structured practice, a solid understanding of the test format, and tools that cater to your learning style.

What does IELTS mean?

In order to properly prepare for the IELTS test you should start with basic understandings of the  pupose of the test, its outline, and your basic strategies for approaching each section of the test.

The word IELTS stands for the International English Language Testing System exam. This system measures the user’s proficiency level of English when looking to work or study in an English speaking country. 

language learning resouces
Prepare for IELTS, TOEFL or SAT exams.

It tests four sections; Reading, Listening, Speaking, and Writing. 

IELTS Test Outline

Before you start practicing for your chosen IELTS test,  you need to become familiar with the content format, as well as the type of questions being asked.

Once you have an understanding as to the format of content and test questions, then you can begin to build your test taking strategies. 

The image below outlines the basic format of the IELTS test. The questions will vary based on the type of test taken.


IELTS Test Outline


Which IELTS Test Is Right For You: IELTS General vs. Academic

Choosing the right IELTS test is crucial for achieving your goals, whether they are academic, professional, or related to immigration.

The IELTS Academic test is tailored for individuals planning to pursue higher education or professional registration in English-speaking environments, with tasks focused on academic language and topics.

IELTS academic test for college student
IELTS general for labor work

On the other hand, the IELTS General Training test is designed for those seeking work experience, employment, or immigration opportunities, emphasizing practical, everyday language skills.

Understanding the differences between these two formats will help you determine which test aligns best with your aspirations, ensuring you’re prepared to meet the specific requirements of your chosen path.

Read on to find more details about the differences between the two types of IELTS exams (Academic vs. General) that can be found in the Reading and Writing sections. The listening and speaking exams are the same for both tess.

Resources to Help With IELTS Test Preparation at Home

EduKitchen and the ETI Academy present resources, websites, and our very own test preparation videos that highlight important test taking strategies when preparing for the test at home.

IELTS ebook cover image
IELTS performance scores ebook

Now available on the blog is the ETI Academy Shop where I have a new IELTS eBook available along with a course on how to prepare for the test!

Click here to view the collection of IELTS ebooks in the shop!

At the end of this article you can sign up to receive our IELTS eBook email series for supporting your success with each section of the various tests.


Global Resources to Help With IELTS Test Preparation at Home

This blog contains affiliate links to highlighted books. By clicking on the link and making a purchase we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Click here for full disclosure.

The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS Test Preparation Book is an essential resource for anyone preparing for the IELTS exam. This comprehensive guide offers authentic practice tests, detailed explanations of each test section, and strategies to approach various question types effectively.

cambridge ielts exam preparation

Developed by experts who create the actual IELTS test, it provides valuable insights into the test format, scoring criteria, and common challenges. With its focus on both Academic and General Training modules, this book is an invaluable tool to build confidence and ensure success on test day.

Click on the link below to access this resource now!

The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS for Academic & General Training with Answers with DVD-ROM (Cambridge English)

Now lets watch our test preparation videos to better understand the format of each section, as well as how to best approach each section according to the test you choose.

Our Video Resources to Help With IELTS Test Preparation at Home

After watching the videos, visit the recommended websites below to see available resources and books you can use to further prepare for the test. 

educational videos

The videos below will provide IELTS test preparation tips on how to prepare to take each section and the differences between the two types of IELTS exams (General vs. Academic), as well as, what to expect on test day. 

IELTS Listening Section Format

It is important to note that the listening sections for both the General and Academic exams are the same. 

It will also provide test prep tips on how to prepare to take the exam and what to expect on test day. 

IELTS Speaking Section Format

It will also provide test prep tips on how to prepare to take both the General and Academic exams and what to expect on test day. 

IELTS Reading Section Format

Whether you take the General or Academic exam, you will find the reading section questions to be the same. 

This video presents to you a general overview as to the format of the reading section of the IELTS test. 

It will also provide test prep tips on how to prepare to take the exam and what to expect on test day. 

IELTS Writing Section Format

This video presents a general overview as to the format of the writing section of the IELTS exam. 


It will also provide test prep tips on how to prepare to take both the General and Academic exams and what to expect on test day. 


Grammarly Writing Support

Start here with grammarly!


IELTS Test Preparation Books and Web Resources

There are many test preparation books available to help with studying for the IELTS exam. We provide links to the most comprehensive list of web resources to help compare and make a decision as to which book is best for you.

british council logo

British Council – Take IELTS

This website highlights all of the important and relevant information to understanding the IELTS exam. 

It outlines how to register, how to decide which test is best for you, and offers free test sample questions for each section of the test. 


apply board IELTS


Apply Board – 5 Best IELTS Preparation books

This website identifies the top five books for preparing to take the IELTS exam for international students. 


Other Useful Links

  • English Exam website where you will find practice tests for each section of the exam
  • IELTS Prepare website provides important information on what to do and what not to do while taking the test.

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We would like to hear from you! Let us hear your thoughts how you have been preparing to take the IELTS General or Academic tests! Leave us your thoughts in the comments below! 


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