social emotional learning and homschooling

7 Ways to Connect Social Emotional Learning and Homeschooling

In this article we discuss 7 ways to connect social emotional learning and homeschooling families. Social emotional learning (SEL) can be beneficial to learning, especially with math homeschool learning, by looking at how certain emotions can greatly benefit or upset learning.

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) plays a vital role in a child’s overall development, helping them build self-awareness, emotional regulation, and strong interpersonal skills. In a homeschooling environment, parents have the unique opportunity to integrate SEL naturally into daily lessons and family interactions.

7 Ways to Connect Social Emotional Learning and Homeschooling

By fostering emotional intelligence alongside academic learning, homeschooling can become a more enriching and supportive experience for children.

We’ll explore seven practical ways to incorporate Social Emotional Learning into your homeschooling routine, ensuring your child grows both academically and emotionally.

Homeschooling parents can incorporate journal writing as a means to teaching social emtional learning.

Our journal writing prompt flash cards can help both parents and students create engaging conversations around these fun journal writing prompts. Click on the image below to explore more.

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Social emotional learning has only recently become a hot topic in education. 

How important of a role does social emotional learning play into the homeschooling?

Building Awareness Around Social Emotional Learning and Homeschooling

Get a sneak peak at the benefits to social emotional learning in the classroom by watching this video below!

What is Social Emotional Learning (SEL)?

How does one define social emotinal learning (SEL)?

SEL is seen as the ability for students to use their emotions in a social learning environment to help guide their learning and set goals for their academic success. 

Schools have now placed a greater emphasis in having emotions recognized as an integral part of the learning process. 

Through homeschooling, parents as teachers can now place greater emphasis on mental health and having emotions recognized as an integral part of the learning process. 

How can we get students to agree social emotional learning at home is something beneficial to their learning experience? 

Through journal writing!

The Benefits to Social Emotional Learning

One of the important strategies when it comes to learning is how we recognize emotions attached to learning. 

Students should be encouraged to have their voices heard, their identities established, and feel that they are in a safe learning environment where mistakes won’t be something to hold them back with their learning. 

SEL Tool to Connect Social Emotional Learning and Homeschooling

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The 7 Ways To Connect Social Emotional Learning and Homeschooling

The seven benefits to using social emotional learning (SEL) in the classroom will tell you why SEL is so important for learning in general. 

Click to download your copy of this infographic on the benefits to SEL


I. Freedom of Expression

Social emotional learning inside the homeschooling classroom allows for ideas, opinions, and emotions around learning  to be expressed freely and without fear. 

II. Every Voice Matters

Teachers and students understand that all voices matter and should be heard in sharing answers. 

III. Ideas Lead To Inspiration

In having students connect emotions to accepting their own ideas and the ideas of others around answers to questions. 

IV. Building A Safe Learning Environment

When teachers and students connect their emotions to accepting the value of what all students bring to the classroom, it brings forth a sense of belonging that helps foster a safe learning environment. 

V. Word Choice Matters

Students use emotions to value back and forth responses on questions  to establish respect for ideas and opinions of others.

VI. Emotions Matter

When teachers allow students the ability to connect their learning to expressing emotions on the concepts and overcoming any negative emotions, students appreciate it as part of the learning process.

VII. Mistakes Turn Into Opportunities To Learn

It allows for teachers and students to show that mistakes are to be part of improving the learning process, instead of being seen as a means to hindering it.


How Can Teachers Implement SEL In The Homeschool Classroom?

This is where teacher intuition works best. 

When teachers recognize that their students are experiencing negative emotions with what they are learning, then teachers can better communicate with their students. 

Parents as teachers can make a world of difference with how a student learns a subject when they show students that they can connect to the emotions students may be feeling. 

When the student feels that they are in a safe environment with making mistakes, for example, then they will build within themselves the confidence and enthusiasm that will benefit their learning.


SEL & Math Learning Video

Watch our video to see the 7 reasons social emotional learning can help students with improving their learning goals, and how these 7 reasons can apply to the math classroom. 

Social emotional learning curriculum updates in Canada now encourage the use of SEL to help with math learning.

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